Expertise in production and processing, enhanced oil recovery and mineral energy

Benefitting from expertise and knowledge gained through over 35 years of working with heavy oil, our teams are integral to some of the world’s most significant heavy oil projects. Over the years, we have developed an ability to replicate success by applying the lessons learnt on one project to the challenges faced elsewhere, saving time and costs while maintaining the highest standards. The majority of our experience is in Northern Alberta and Venezuela, whereas our skills are transferrable and we are able to bring demonstrable advantages to projects worldwide

Wide-ranging expertise

We have an established track record across a wide range of heavy oil services, including:

  • Conventional oil and gas production and processing facilities
  • In Situ oil facilities using Steam Assisted Gravity drainage (SAGD)
  • Central processing plants
  • Oil separation
  • Field facilities, including  well pads
  • Oil treatment
  • Steam and production pipelines
  • Upgrading and refining
  • Carbon capture and sequestration
  • Utilities and offsite
  • Modularization
  • Template/repeatable designs
  • Sustaining capital
  • Debottleneck projects
  • Revamps and upgrades
  • Expansion projects
  • Long term sustaining capital projects

Leading the industry in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) 

We have experience and capabilities in the following types of EOR:

  • Cyclic steam stimulation
  • SAGD
  • Diluent Injection and Recovery Systems
  • Steam Flooding
  • Submersible pumps and sucker rod pumps
  • Water Alternating Gas Injection
  • High Pressure Nitrogen Injection
  • High Pressure CO2 Injection
  • Miscible Gas Injection Systems
  • High Pressure Water Injection
  • Gas Lift Systems 

Delivering project certainty across refining and petrochemicals facilities

Our experience and expertise help clients create and operate the refining and petrochemicals facilities that transform oil into everyday products. We deliver full EPC / EPCM services worldwide, specializing in process plants, materials handling and infrastructure.

Partnership, Performance and Safety 

Our track record is characterized by partnership, performance and safety, with a significant percentage of our work being repeat business from satisfied clients.

Agile and responsive to client demands, we are able to provide full EPC / EPCM services worldwide. We are experienced in a wide range of downstream projects, from small process unit revamps to large grass-roots facilities. Our ‘technology neutral’ approach means that we are not tied to any one provider and are therefore always able to deliver the most appropriate solution.

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