We support complex buildings and facilities projects with full-lifecycle project management. Our ability to address the full infrastructure life cycle, from architectural design and arranging financing, to providing engineering and construction, operations and maintenance services, is our key differentiator. Offered separately or grouped together into one fully integrated, value-added package, this range of top-tier services allows us to deliver outstanding modern infrastructure or expertly rehabilitate aging facilities, cost effectively. With a clear focus on client objectives, we are committed to delivering world-class project execution.

We support complex buildings and facilities projects with full-life cycle project management. Our ability to address the full infrastructure life cycle, from architectural design and arranging financing, to providing engineering, construction and operations and maintenance services, is our key differentiation. Offered separately or grouped together into one fully integrated, value-added package, this range of top-tier services allows us to deliver outstanding modern infrastructure or expertly rehabilitate aging facilities, cost effectively. With a clear focus on client objectives, we are committed to delivering world-class project execution.

We have a long and established track record in providing design, project management and build support for infrastructure to all types of developments on both land and sea.

From a master-planning stage through to construction, our experts in each discipline – including planners, architects and engineers – combine to create comprehensive delivery teams for major infrastructure development projects around the world, of any size or complexity.

Our multi-disciplinary expertise equips us to address the economic, social, physical and environmental aspects of a development in a fully integrated manner. For example, we have dedicated teams of expert consultants who specialize in the design and engineering of civil structures, signalling, telecoms and electrification. We have an established reputation for providing imaginative, practical and independent advice and see stakeholder and community engagement as essential to the success of all projects to gain consensus or preferably active support for proposals. We are experienced in helping the various stakeholders involved in the development process to reach consensus and in delivering practical solutions which can be implemented.

Our holistic approach to understanding project complexities is pragmatic and innovative, ensuring our solutions are balanced, people-friendly and sustainable.

Our portfolio includes projects for:

  • Commercial & residential buildings
  • Hotels
  • Healthcare centres & Hospitals
  • Civic/cultural/religious
  • Education
  • Government
  • Manufacturing plants
  • Sports stadium
  • Military installations
  • Transit centres
  • Municipal infrastructure

Our construction partners have built some of the most iconic buildings around the world.

Uniprotech and its partners have delivered 100s of buildings and facilities projects over the last 40 years.

Recently completed projects

  • Beijing National Theatre
  • Shanghai Tower
  • Shanghai East Library
  • International Conference Centre, Bangladesh
  • Special Open Island Hotel Project, Laos
  • Chemical Fertiliser Plant, Bangladesh
  • Ken Colour Sugar Plant, Ethopia
  • Vietnam Stadium, Vietnam
  • Cairo International Conference Centre
  • Cement Plant, Yemen
  • Children Hospital, Sri Lanka
  • Office Building Public Prosecutor, Mozambique

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